Privacy policie

1. With each use of this website, you are subject to the current Privacy Policy and with each visit to the website, you need to review this text to make sure that you agree with it.

2. Personal information that you provide to us will be processed and stored in a file that that the company Monile d.o.o.o is responsible for and for the following purposes:

I. Production, performance and implementation of the sales contract for products that you have purchased or any other contract between you and us;

II. Resolving your requests

III. Providing information about GALILEO products, sending commercial communications by email or other electronic communication means (eg. SMS, Viber). If you are a registered user, you can change your preferences about receiving such communications by logging into the MY ACCOUNT section on this web page and by editing the settings. You can also cancel your subscription in the Newsletter section.

IV. In case you provide personal data from a third party, you will be responsible to inform them about the use of their personal data, as well as for obtaining explicit consent for the relevant data that will be listed in the purposes that are explained above. In case you have purchased a product or a gift card, the personal information of the third person that you provide will be used for the following purposes:

(I) delivery management and/or verification of the correct invoice for the appropriate product; (II) resolving inquiries or suggestions which you or a third party can have.

V. If you select the option of keeping the card details and activating “Prompt purchase”, you expressly authorize us to process and store the information stated as required for the activation and development of this functionality. The CVV (Card-Verification-Value Code) will be used only for enabling an in-progress purchase and will not stored nor processed as part of the data of your card.

By giving consent to the activation of these functionalities, you allow your data to be displayed automatically in the following purchases on this website, so you will not be able to enter them in any following procedure and such consent will be valid and effective for the next purchase. You can change your data for the card and revoke your consent for processing and storage of this data at any time through the My Account Card section. Monile d.o.o. stores and transmits the data of your card in accordance with the standards of confidentiality and security of credit and debit cards. When you use this functionality, you may be requested to change your password for security reasons. Remember that safety, during the use of this web site, also depends on the correct use and care of certain keys/passwords.

3. Monile d.o.o., with registered address in Avenija Dubrovnik 16/7, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, which is the controller of the file data, takes the responsibility of keeping your personal data confidential at all times and will ensure the rights of access, correction, deletion and comments by sending a letter to the above address or by email at

If necessary, we will ask you to send us a copy of your identification card, passport or another valid identification document.

4. To achieve the purposes stated in section 2 above, we may need to disclose or transfer the information you have provided to Monile d.o.o. With this, you are notified that by registering with us and providing information through this website, you expressly grant us permission to disclose and/or transfer such data to previously mentioned company Monile d.o.o. We may also disclose this information to the partners of the company Monile d.o.o., third-party handlers, warehouses, financial institutions or other third-party service providers parties who assist us in business (for example, investigation of fraud, billing accounts, partner programs and prize programs, suppliers of technological services, financial transactions management, logistics, transportation, management of orders and customer service for the users and/or analysis of transactions performed through the website so we can give users sufficient warranties in purchase transactions, etc.) or as necessary for the processing of your purchases. By providing information on this website or in a different way, you expressly authorize us to disclose and process your information as described above. Your consent to this access/disclosure includes those cases where, because of the efficiency of the implementation of the services, the service providers may be located in the United States or other countries or territories outside the European economic area.

5. The user (you) with this guarantees that the stated personal data is true and accurate and takes over the responsibility of informing us of any changes in them. Loss of or damage on the website or for the person responsible for the website or to a third person by way of implementing wrong, incorrect or incomplete data on the registration form will be the sole responsibility of the user.

6. Cookies: On this website we use cookies. They are small text files with information about your movements on this page and their main goal is to enhance your experience on the website.

Legal Basis

The basis is regulated by the Electronic Communications Act (NN 73/08, 90/11, 133/12, 80/13, 71/14, further in text: ECA). Where the rules are regarding the use of cookies, as well as the technology of accessing and storing information, on computers, and on the mobile periphery.

What are web cookies?

An HTTP cookie (web cookie, browser cookie) is a small piece of data that a server sends to the user's web browser. The browser may store it and send it back with the next request to the same server. Typically, it's used to tell if two requests came from the same browser - keeping a user logged - in for example.

Types of cookies used on web are:

1. Session cookies

These are mainly used by online shops and allow you to keep items in you basket whe shopping online. These cookies expire when the browser is closed.

2. Permanent cookies

These remain in operation, even when you have closed the browser. They remember your login details and password so you don't have to type them in every time you use the site. The law concerning permanent cookies stipulates that they need to be deleted after a period of six months.

3. Third-party cookies

These are installed by third parties with the aim of collecting certain information to carry out various research into behaviour, demographics etc.