Purchase steps

Purchasing on www.galileomen.com is very simple. It is necessary to do the following:


  1. Select a category: clothing, shoes, accessories, watches, glasses, perfumes...
  2. Click on the item that interests you and you will see it from a variety of perspectives, its name, description, price, colour, available sizes, composition and instructions for maintenance. Furthermore, you will find related items on the page.
  3. Select a size and add the item to your cart. Then you can choose between the options "Continue shopping" or "Process order".
  4. In order to send your order or make a purchase you can register, but you can also perform a purchase as a guest.
  5. After correctly entering your data, click "Confirm".
  6. Select the payment.
  7. Please check your details and confirm your order.
  8. You will then receive an email with confirmation of your order.

Keep in mind that the purchase made on the website galileomen.com is completely safe because we invest maximum effort in order to guarantee security of personal data.